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LibreOffice è una suite per ufficio formidabile; l'interfaccia pulita e i numerosi strumenti a disposizione vi consentono di liberare la vostra creatività e aumentare la vostra produttività.
Le diverse applicazioni disponibili rendono LibreOffice la migliore suite per ufficio libera e o
pen source sul mercato

Suite libera per l'ufficio

LibreOffice 7: la suite libera per ufficio che si distingue tra tutte le altre.

Lasciatevi sorprendere!

Un progetto dinamico

LibreOffice è uno dei progetti più dinamici e solidi nel mondo del software libero e open source.

Chi siamo - I nostri valori

Gente fantastica

LibreOffice è molto più che un semplice software. Riguarda le persone, la cultura, la produzione, la condivisione e la collaborazione.

Entrate a far parte della comunità!

LibreOffice è un software Libero e Open Source. Lo sviluppo è aperto ai nuovi talenti e alle nuove idee; il nostro software è testato e utilizzato quotidianamente da una numerosa e affezionata comunità di utenti

Luxembourg’s Digital Learning Hub supports the LibreOffice Conference 2024

The LibreOffice and Open Source Conference 2024 starts in just a few days in Luxembourg, and it’s supported by the country’s Digital Learning Hub, which offers short and hands-on training courses in the fields of computer science. Director Serge Linckels says: We are delighted to announce our partnership with the LibreOffice Conference 2024, taking place […]

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LibreOffice joined Software Freedom Day celebrations in Nepal 😊

On September 21, free and open source software (FOSS) enthusiasts celebrated the 21st worldwide Software Freedom Day. Our community members in Nepal were not behind with the celebrations either: they were active supporting small open source communities and connecting them for the greater good in the LibreOffice community. Here’s their report: Suraj Bhattarai, LibreOffice liaison […]

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Luxembourg’s Digital Learning Hub supports the LibreOffice Conference 2024

The LibreOffice and Open Source Conference 2024 starts in just a few days in Luxembourg, and it’s supported by the country’s Digital Learning Hub, which offers short and hands-on training courses in the fields of computer science. Director Serge Linckels says: We are delighted to announce our partnership with the LibreOffice Conference 2024, taking place […]

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Per-paragraph semi-transparent shape text in Impress

The SVG export in Impress now supports a per-paragraph setting to handle semi-transparent shape text, while previously this was only possible to control at a per-shape level.

This work is primarily for Collabora Online, but the feature is available in desktop Impress as well.


As described in a

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