LibreOffice è una suite per ufficio formidabile; l'interfaccia pulita e i numerosi strumenti a disposizione vi consentono di liberare la vostra creatività e aumentare la vostra produttività.
Le diverse applicazioni disponibili rendono LibreOffice la migliore suite per ufficio libera e open source sul mercato
LibreOffice 7: la suite libera per ufficio che si distingue tra tutte le altre.
LibreOffice è uno dei progetti più dinamici e solidi nel mondo del software libero e open source.
We’re half-way through the event, so there’s still time to join us in Luxembourg (or you can watch recordings after the event).
The LibreOffice and Open Source Conference 2024 has started! We’ll be uploading videos from the talks as soon as possible, and in the meantime, here are a few photos from today’s talks and events…
We’re half-way through the event, so there’s still time to join us in Luxembourg (or you can watch recordings after the event).
The LibreOffice and Open Source Conference 2024 has started! We’ll be uploading videos from the talks as soon as possible, and in the meantime, here are a few photos from today’s talks and events…