LibreOffice è una suite per ufficio formidabile; l'interfaccia pulita e i numerosi strumenti a disposizione vi consentono di liberare la vostra creatività e aumentare la vostra produttività.
Le diverse applicazioni disponibili rendono LibreOffice la migliore suite per ufficio libera e open source sul mercato
LibreOffice 7: la suite libera per ufficio che si distingue tra tutte le altre.
LibreOffice è uno dei progetti più dinamici e solidi nel mondo del software libero e open source.
Everyone loves having shiny new features in LibreOffice. But how do we get them? Many are developed by volunteers and people in the ecosystem. But another great source of new features is the Google Summer of Code (GSoC), a global, online program focused on bringing new contributors into open source software development. GSoC Contributors work […]
The LibreOffice Conference 2024, held in Luxembourg, welcomed also many speakers that are involved in creating, supporting and promoting Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) in several countries. Extending our annual conference and opening it to intervention from international organisations and institutions was appreciated change, which provided our community with additional insights as well as […]
Everyone loves having shiny new features in LibreOffice. But how do we get them? Many are developed by volunteers and people in the ecosystem. But another great source of new features is the Google Summer of Code (GSoC), a global, online program focused on bringing new contributors into open source software development. GSoC Contributors work […]
For the past two months, I’ve been working on adding more templates to LibreOffice Writer as part of my Outreachy project. My goal has been to create functional templates that users need the most.
I created these templates ba[…]